"I need a new calendar. This thing I have right now lists a bunch of unimportant holidays like St. Patrick's Day, Arbor Day, Independence Day and Christmas, but it made absolutely no mention of "Manning Day", and now, the moment has passed."
I know I am excited to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! But if I had known about Manning Day before it actually occurred, it would have given me enough time to prepare jokes and snide remarks about this random holiday. Everyone knows who the Mannings are; if you don't you're a woman completely oblivious to sports (I can be sexist), or you live under a rock. However, just because you know these people are famous doesn't mean we need a holiday for them. I'm not a fan of the Colts or the Giants. I think Eli's IQ is maybe equivalent to one of the dodo birds that used to inhabit the earth, and their father (I heard) wasn't exactly an all star player. Mediocre is a good term, right Pat? Anyway, it just so happens that the Mannings are a football fanatic family. Say that ten times fast. To get anywhere in life it really helps to know people, and if you're father, or brother, have already made it to the NFL, well then you must really fit in too!
As far as the events of the holiday go, it wasn't much to even make fun of. There was a small ceremony and people got autographs from the Manning clan. Maybe if I was a Colts/Giants/old Saints fan, I would have jumped for this type of chance to get an autograph. But I'm not. I have my own deams of T.O. making some big plays for the Bills instead.
I guess if there had to be a Manning Day, it should be for Peyton Manning. That guy really cracks me up. He's a pretty good ball player, and he makes the best commercials. What more can a football watching gal ask for? I don't see Tom Brady making funny commercials. Or any commercials. He's too busy trying to model... good luck with that Tom.
To conclude on a funny note, MJD really knows how to strike a funny bone:
"Had I known, I'd have celebrated like any good Manning-fearing American ... by dressing up as my favorite Manning (I prefer Olivia) and licking the middle of Oreo cookies until my tongue bleeds."
If you don't find that funny, you either don't watch enough t.v. or your IQ is too high (So Eli must be on the floor dying!).
Jaclyn Kahn
Manning Day? I think I'm gonna hurl...
it already happened so you'll have to wait to hurl next year
Phew... hopefully you won't remind me when it comes up next year :)...
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