You read that correctly. The NFL keeps making up rules for the upcoming 2009 football season, and I must say that these rules are getting a little bit ridiculous.
The latest rule, which you can read more about here, deals with violent acts on the field, and how they will now be dealt with on the field. I'm not talking about the "Brady (pansy)" rule, or intentional violence against a player just to cause injury. No, I'm talking about tackles and other allowable actions of the NFL. The most recent rule states that "all plays that end with a tackle or other form of physical contact must be followed by an immediate hug."
I'm sorry, I know that violence isn't a positive attribute in life, but isn't there a reason why football players wear so much equipment? Fans of football, similar to hockey, expect some sort of degree of pain and injury involved with the game. That's one of the reasons why people watch. Spectacular plays, which include tackles, are now going to have to end in hugging, or the failure to do so will "result in a 15-yard penalty."
How much time is it going to take to hug? Does one pat on the back count? I have a feeling hugging isn't going to be the answer to the violence seen in football. They might as well make a rule that players can't touch each other, or look at each other. This rule was decided upon after recent studies suggested that a reduction of violent anger occurs before or after hugging. You know what is going to happen out on the field now. After players tackle each other, they are going to "hug" which really means they are going to fly insults and insinuations at one another while pretending to be partaking in brotherly love.
There are a number of NFL players who are definitely not for this hugging rule to be inserted into their ball games. Even former NFL players thinks this idea is idiotic. When asked for his opinion, former NFL star linebacker Bill Romanowski said: ""Hm. Hugging guys after plays. You know, I'd really prefer to spit on them. I'd have to think about it. Oh, wait, you know what I'd do? I'd wrap my arms in razor wire and then hug the hell out of a guy's throat. That's what I'd do."
Exactly. After these players hug, if one goes down right after, the referees should be looking to see what the hell happened during that hug.
I can't help but chuckle when I read this: "If you think I'm hugging Terrell Owens, you're out of your damn mind," said approximately 800 NFL players.
Cheers NFL huggers!
Jaclyn Kahn
I seriously hope you were duped by an April Fools story...
that and i thought it was hilarious
i was 99.9% sure of the april fools joke, hahaha, nice one jax...
i thought there might be a slim chance the rule meant when there were violent tackles that players couldn't pound the guy into the turf... instead they'd have to keep them wrapped up (like a hug), haha... i should have read the quotes, that would have made it 100%...
UFC better the NFL anwayz!
i honestly thought something was fishy with the T.O. comment... 800 players, though at first i thought he was exaggerating... lol
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