So being bored, yet wired, I began to surf the yahoo sports' pages online. There is no interesting football news, and no interesting baseball news. It's great that everyone loves Manny again, and it's a pain in the ass that Favre is a deuschbag, but I don't really feel like writing about those two topics.
So being the internet junkie that I am (and because I was bored), I clicked on the NHL link. This is a very desperate attempt to find any sports news that I might be interested in. Anyway, I came across an article called:
"Doctors blameless in death of Rangers draft pick"
And I immediately thought that this might be the doing of the Islanders. I mean, the Islanders and Rangers are bitter rivals... even when one is a good team and the other one plays worse than a state college team. So if you can't beat them, you can try to knock them down right?
Maybe I'm just super wired...
Jaclyn Kahn
Couldn't sleep? posted at 5:30am, haha...
and yeah, definitely a dry period for sports blogging... maybe if 60-year old Tom Watson wins the British Open, I'll write something...
I think Sak died.
Yeah heart burn is a killer... of sleep that is!
Fortunately, I haven't died and I plan on contributing to this blog more frequently in the near future.
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