While the Senate is slaving away with the health care issue (which is another blog post for another site), Michael Vick just received his personalized bailout plan from U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Frank Santoro.
"The plan approved by Santoro was supported by all creditors or representatives in court, save for one creditor owed $13,000. It hinges on Vick liquidating an estimated $9 million in assets, including houses, boats and high-end sport utility vehicles. He would not have to pay creditors during the first year with the Eagles. Future payments would depend on Vick’s salary, with creditors getting payments based on how much Vick earns. The Eagles have a $5.2 million option for next year, not including incentives."
Well there you have if folks, the Michael Vick bail out plan. Although he isn't completely out of the woods, at least he won't be bankrupt anymore. Of course, if I owed that much to any creditors, I'd land in jail and probably be slapped with a huge fine for being such a drain on our society.
So Michael Vick, welcome back to the American dream. Playing professional football on a pretty decent team, being out of jail, and finally being able to say "I am no longer bankrupt! Let's go buy a dog!"
Jaclyn Kahn
Nice pic. And yeah, this is lame.
shortest comment ever! Ricky would appreciate that. By the way, where did he go?
Good old Ricky, haha. The last comment I saw him make was on Shawn's Vick article.
u rangg jaxstr?
you're back! haha
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