Now let me say I think cheating on your significant other is one of the worst things you can do. If you back stab the person that is supposed to be the most important person in your life, I am not sure what kind of person you are. I've heard excuses with people saying, well it's hard to ignore sexual desires when it's right in your face. Yes, we're all human with that, but come on, we aren't wild animals (well most of us aren't). If you're in a situation where you're tempted, get the hell out of there!
I'm not in approval of Tiger's actions, but I this should be an internal issue that the American public shouldn't care about. If sponsors want to ditch Tiger, that's their right, but the general public shouldn't be concerned about it. This is an issue Tiger should be his wife should be dealing with. Unfortunately we live in a society that worships celebrities and everything they do. It's quite sad that this story gets far more coverage than the President's decision to send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
I wonder how many Americans know of Obama's decision vs. how many Americans know about the Tiger Woods story? Whether it's the couple that snuck into the Presidential Dinner, or what Jon and Kate are up to, the news is a total joke. Even the "Worldwide Leader in Sports" (ESPN), is more concerned about star, celebrity athletes than the games themselves. Frankly, I'm tired of it, but will it change? Unfortunately, not a chance.
Pat Morgan
haha well i have to take the opportunity since you set it up so nicely... "wild" animals might do that but his name is Tiger.. ;)
Yeah, enough is enough. How does this compare to Michael Jackson dying though?
haha, good point... and on that note, i rather not know what Wolf Blitzer does in his spare time...
and i guess it's nothing compared to the coverage of Jackson's death, but that was a story that deserved attention unlike this...
touche, though that too was over publicized
it definitely was...
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