So the big event of Tiger Woods coming back into the limelight was too publicized, yet again. There is a plethora of news articles about Woods and his comeback, along with the controversy of the latest Nike commercial, and his losing the Master's title.
Yadda, yadda, yadda. I don't particularly care about golf at all, but I was pleased that Woods botched him big "comeback" to the world of golf, and that Phil Mickelson had won instead. With the media buzzing about the mistresses, Wood's apologies and his Buddhist ways, it's not surprising that most everyone is talking about Woods and his loss this weekend. But what I want to focus on is the fact that Woods is the one person he should blame for everything negative that has gone on in his life; everything the public has been hearing about for months and months.
One. Don't leave golf for a short period of time (what was it, three months?) only to hype up your own comeback. Maybe he did feel bad about the whole cheating on his family thing, but he seemed more concerned about himself in all aspects of his life. If he was really concerned with his family, maybe he wouldn't have cheated with a million women in the first place. Now, I'm not saying that he had to stop golfing in order to fix the damage or whatever you want to call it, but did that actually accomplish anything? I think that all it did was cause even more fervor about Tiger and his escapades, and did nothing to actually help anything but boost his own appearance in the tabloids. That and it led to the controversial Nike commercial... To me it's not controversial. To me, it's just another way Tiger is making money off of his infidelities.
Two. If you are going to hype yourself up, and make all the drama for everyone to hear over and over and over... don't suck at your sport. The moral of the story is, you screwed up in your personal life, which became public to everyone who's ever read a newspaper, watched the news, or watched television in general, and you couldn't even make a good comeback in the sport that made you famous. Maybe instead of running around with women and then going to some sex addiction rehab clinic, or doing commercials, or giving insincere apologies to the entire world, maybe you should have just stuck to playing golf. I was actually very happy that Tiger didn't end up winning the Master's this weekend. If he had, then it would have generated more media about how no matter what he does, Tiger will always be a genius at golf.
Three. If he gets his own reality tv show, I will discontinue my Time Warner Cable service. But unfortunately, I have a feeling something like that is in the works.
Jaclyn Kahn
Welcome back blog! haha...
I can guarantee you that he will never do a reality show. He's never going to be short of money for one, but he's the total opposite of being a media whore. He'd never do an interview if he could avoid it.
Check this out! haha
hahaha, that's great!
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