Fashion designer, Marc Ecko bought the ball this summer, and put the fate of the ball up to a vote. The three choices were either send the ball to Cooperstown as is, send the ball to Cooperstown with an asterisk, or to shoot the ball into orbit. Well, the fans voted for it (myself included) to be branded with an asterisk. This pretty much puts to rest that, in the court of public opinion, Bonds is guilty of steroid use.
To me, Bonds just seems bitter about how quietly his career is ending. He is obviously upset that the San Francisco Giants don't want him back, and that another team signing him is unlikely. It seems like a last ditch effort to get people to feel badly for him. He knows people view him as a cheat, he knows he has been caught, but as most guilty people do, he has fallen into a full defensive mode.
I think the Hall of Fame should display the ball. Be fair, and explain in the exhibit description why it is branded, and be done with it. If Barry has a problem with that, and does not want to be a member of the Hall of Fame (should he be elected) let him decide that. I don't think the Hall of Fame voters are going to clammer for things to be sugar coded for Barry. He will always have a cloud around him, and that is the way it is. Get used to it Barry, no one is going to ignore the steroids. Just because you said the record is legit, after the 756th homerun, does not mean it is. Believe that inside should it make you feel better. The fans clearly believe it is a tainted record, as the asterisk option won by an overwhelming amount.
Maybe Barry is already making excuses not to show at his future Hall of Fame induction ceremony. He must know in five years when the roids have worn off, he will be much smaller by then. Might just raise a flag.
Pat Morgan
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See kõlab täna minu tundega kaasa: jätsin kirjutamise ja tunnen end nii vabana. Pea on mõnusalt tühi.
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