No one is doubting his talent and the sick numbers he has put up throughout the years. Until recently, Marbury was the only player besides Oscar Robertson to average 20 points and eight assists per game during the course of a career. Marbury has also done a few good things off the court as well. To make things more affordable for poor intercity athletes, his line of Starbury sneakers sell much, much cheaper than the likes of Nike. However, the negative things greatly outweigh his numbers and community outreach. Marbury is a cancer on whichever team he plays for.
His inability to handle being Kevin Garnett's number two man cost the Minnesota Timberwolves a potentially great thing. That combination may have competed for championships, but Marbury's ego could not handle being second best for the first time in his career. He was the man growing up in Brooklyn and then his one year at Georgia Tech. Being the man in the spotlight was more important than winning, which seems to be the situation today in New York. While Thomas was on trial this offseason, Marbury should have been bringing his team together, but instead he was out allegedly harassing interns and showing up all disoriented for live interviews. (If anyone can find Marbury's Mike'd Up interview, please send it to me!)
Marbury is also proof that numbers do not tell the hole story. You would think his numbers would put him on equal footing with Jason Kidd and Steve Nash. Well, he doesn't come close. Kidd replaced Marbury in New Jersey, and took a team Marbury couldn't get into the playoffs to the NBA Finals twice. Nash took over for Marbury in Phoenix, and took a team Marbury couldn't get past the first round to two 60+ win seasons and a Western Conference Finals appearance. For those who put too much stock in numbers, STOP! Marbury is GARBAGE! Well, he is actually a model citizen compared to his cousin, Sebastian Telfair.
Pat Morgan
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