As a guy, I can't say that beach volleyball isn't pleasing on the eye, but come on, it is nothing more than a leisurely activity people do when they go to the beach. They already have volleyball, so it's not like this sport originated on the beach. People set up volleyball nets in their backyards at barbecues too. So why not sanction Backyard BBQ Volleyball as a college sport too? Or better yet, my friends and I would play wiffleball or touch football when at the beach. Why aren't those considered? I guess it comes down to any excuse to get a woman into a bikini. For some crazy reason, beach volleyball is already an Olympic event, but then again the only organization in sports I find more corrupt than the NCAA is the IOC.
I do find it ridiculous that beach volleyball is an Olympic event, when in 2012, baseball and softball won't be (how dumb is that?), but at least Olympic cities actually have beaches and are played in the Summer! Considering the NCAA doesn't have a summer sports program and most college campuses don't have beaches, I'm wondering where college campuses are going to set up their giant sandboxes. Imagine being an athlete who is being recruited and going on a tour of a college's athletic complex. Here is the basketball court, over there is the football field, and in that room is a giant box of sand!
I guess they could rent out the sandbox to the campus daycare center during the day, or if the college is really strapped for funding, they could just have fraternities bid on hosting the games. Come get loaded and watch some beach volleyball. A bunch of drunk frat brothers would be hollering on the action with a few mortified parents mixed in who decided to come see their daughter in action. What a scene that would be! Based on the picture I found, maybe George W. Bush will incorporate this into a post-presidency college tour! And who knows what the recruiting process for beach volleyball would be like? Would the coach make you try on a bikini and see how it looks? You look good, you're in!
My outlandish ideas are certainly ridiculous, but isn't the whole idea of NCAA "Sand" Volleyball ridiculous in itself? Are there really that many college co-eds petitioning to get beach volleyball sanctioned? If you really love volleyball, isn't the indoor variety the game you love? Instead of wobbling and falling around in some sand? The NCAA should do some actual work instead of coming up with stupid ideas that they probably came up with while sharing a doobie together.
Pat Morgan
1.) You're a perv.
2.) It's every girl's dream to strip down into a bikini and play volleyball in the sand! Duh!
3.) Backyard BBQ volleyball would end up being banned on campuses from all of the underage drinking that would inevitably take place.
4.) Maybe baseball and softball were removed because it was boring? Maybe if the guys and gals strip down into tight swimwear, it would stay in the olympics. Go USA!
I don't know. Some of those softball players... yikes!
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