1.) Cards come from John McCain's state. John McCain lost, and now so will his cards.
2.) The lucky streak has to end sometime.
3.) Steelers can knock people out of the game (i.e. McGahee), so the birds better fly fast, or get carted out on a stretcher.
4.) Because that crazy man at the bar says its a conspiracy!
Enough said.
5.) Because Kurt Warner doesn't want his family (with seven children, I can't imagine) to get a puppy (full story here)
5) Shawn picked them
I don't think they've been lucky. They obviously dominated the first half and came up with the biggest drive in franchise history to win the game. They dominated Carolina as well. As for that stout Philadelphia defense, the Cardinals had no problem picking them apart. I don't see why they can't do it against the Steelers, the team their head coach used to work for.
Doesn't want a puppy for his kids? No way I root for that monster in the Super Bowl:p... Go Pittsburgh!
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