Now personally, I've never really cared if people smoke or not. I've seen it, been around it, and it doesn't bother me one bit. I have never partaken because I have never been intrigued enough to take the risk of possibly dealing with the headaches of being caught with it. It's tough enough for people to find jobs in this economic climate. I don't need "drug user" on my resume. This is one place where sticking it to the man wouldn't help me very much. But, if you feel you have enough time before a drug test or you just think you won't be caught, go for it, I don't care. I'm not an expert on the subject, but if it were that bad, would its legality constantly be up for a vote? For medical use or not. You don't see heroin under Proposition Five at the voting booth.
I think the media is making way too much out of this. His use of a bong doesn't warrant days and days of him being bashed. I have heard various people say that Phelps is such a horrible person for doing what he did. Many of those people that I've heard say that grew up in the 60s or 70s. You're telling me most of those people didn't at least try the stuff? And even if you never have used it, how can you call someone a horrible person for merely taking a few puffs from a bong? There is not one person on the planet who hasn't made a mistake. Should that make you horrible too? He broke the law, but the media and other people are out of line calling him a bad person.
With that said, I do believe Phelps should have been much smarter about this. He is a world class athlete! He has got to know that pot is illegal, so why be in a position where people can get a snap shot of you using it? Phelps should know all too well about people taking candid photos of him, and with just about every cell phone having a camera, everyone is really part of the paparazzi now. I know if I were world renown and making millions off of endorsements, I wouldn't be within a mile of the stuff. If you're that well off, I don't need to be high! He did deserve the suspension from USA Swimming.
Again, I personally don't think it's nearly as a big deal as the media is making it, but Phelps should have known that the media and society would make a big thing about it. Unfortunately we live in a society that when you're a public figure, you're every move is going to be chronicled. I'm not sure as to exactly why, but people love seeing celebrities screw up. My theory is it helps people feel better about their own lives. Look at all the exposure Britney Spears got when her life was going down the toilet a couple years ago. I wish people and the media would shut up because Phelps only made a minor mistake.
Pat Morgan
Note: I think Kellogg could have used this to their benefit. How about using a high Phelps in one of their commercials? With the "munchies", you know he'd tare through a box of corn flakes in a 30-second commercial! Lost opportunity in my opinion.
Once (if) pot is ever legalized for personal use, Kellogg's might take him up on that type of munchies commercial. However, if I ever had the munchies, I definitely would never think to eat Kelloggs.
Oh and heroin should be up on ballots (not heroines who save the world) :-p there's your mistake!
haha, good catch Jaxter:p
look at my picture, I think you'll see that it's right... muhahahaha
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