Well Well, besides T.O. getting his own reality show, it seems as though the NFL has even more drama. According to the Shutdown Corner at Yahoo! Sports the recent Hall of Famer, Bob Hayes, has a fraud for a sister. Literally.
The sister, Lucille Hester, spoke on behalf of her late brother, Hayes, who was being inducted to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. At the news conference, Hester read aloud a letter that Hayes had supposedly written in 1999, three years before his died. However, there is evidence in this letter that points to Hester being a fraud, as well as being a bad speller. The name of the QB, Staubach, was spelled incorrectly in the thank you letter.
Okay, so let's all agree that this woman is a fraud. Why is she trying to get into the spotlight for this? Did she try when he was alive? Apparently Hayes' ex-wife and some of his siblings are denying that they are related to this woman. However, apparently no one has figured out how to look up family trees or censuses or anything of that nature. It can't be impossible to figure this out.
In my opinion, this woman is probably not his sister. But I am still stumped as to why should would want to choose Hayes' as her relative to share the spotlight with. It could be that he is long gone so he couldn't say whether or not she was a fraud or not. But if I wanted to get into the spotlight, I would pick a more prominent sports figure of today that is alive, well, and filthy rich. Why can't she pose as T.O.'s long lost aunt? Why not pick Michael Jordan, or now that the Steelers won another Super Bowl, I would probably feed off having one of those players be my relative some how.
Actually, I should let the world know that Bruce Smith, who has also just been introduced to the Pro Football Hall of Fame is my long lost uncle. Seriously! Can't you see the resemblance?
Fine, if you don't believe that one, will you believe that Jim Kelly is my father? Trent Edwards is my cousin twice removed, and unfortunately, Tony Romo is the black sheep of my family as the cousin who was dropped on the head as a baby. Either way, I better start going to press conferences with letters from them so I can cash in my well deserved paycheck!
Jaclyn Kahn
I was gonna tell you when I met you that you had a stunning resemblance to Bruce Smith, but I didn't want to offend you:p...
da gurl on da rite look nothin like bruc smith, she beter lookin tan him
Well if I played as a defensive end, I definitely wouldn't look like this! But shhh! I want my money!
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